Choose your favorite musical instrument

The guitar is a chordophone musical instrument, which is played with the fingertips, with the nails or with a plectrum. The sound is generated by the vibration of the strings, which are stretched above the harmonic plane which, in turn, rests on the case harmonica that amplifies the sound. On the neck, the fretboard allows you to shorten the length of the vibrating string part and play the desired note or notes by pressing the string just behind the respective fret.

The violin is a musical instrument of the string family, equipped with four strings tuned at intervals of a fifth. It is the smallest instrument with the most acute texture among the members of its family. The lowest string (and therefore the lowest obtainable note) is G2, the G immediately below middle C (C3); the other strings are, in ascending order, D3, A3, and E4. Violin parts use the treble or G clef.

Drums and percussion instruments
The battery is a musical instrument composed of drums, cymbals and other percussion instruments arranged in such a way that they can be played by a single musician. The drums that make up a complete battery are: the bass drum, the snare drum, one or more tom toms ( more simply called "toms"), finally one or more timpani. The cymbals that can be attached to a battery are: ride, hi-hat also called charleston, crash, splash, china.
The percussion instrumentit is a musical instrument that plays when struck, struck, shaken, rubbed or rubbed by the hands of the player, or by means of special instruments such as sticks, brushes or hammers.

The piano is a musical instrument with strings struck by hammers operated by a keyboard. The keyboard consists of 88 keys, 52 white and 36 black. The piano is the most widespread instrument belonging to the chordophones with struck strings. The origin of the word piano is Italian and refers to the possibility that the instrument offers to play notes at different volumes based on the touch, possibility denied instead by previous instruments such as the harpsichord.

The horn is a wind musical instrument that belongs to the aerophones and the brass subfamily with a conical bore. It is also called the French Horn to be distinct from the English one, but since 1971 the International Horn Society has suggested the term quintessential horn.

The Tuba (bass flugelhorn or Bombardone) and the Bassotuba (contrabass flugelhorn) are musical instruments belonging to the brass family (music) and to the subfamily of flugelhorns, of which they are the members with the lowest sound.

The trumpet is a musical instrument belonging to the brass family. Among the brass instruments, it is the one that plays in the highest part of the register. The musician who plays the trumpet is called a trumpeter.

The trombone is an aerophone musical instrument of the brass family. In the modern and most common version it is known as a slide trombone or slide trombone and is characterized by a U-shaped mobile pump (the "shoot" or "coulisse" in French, "slide" in English) which joins two parallel pipes and in this way it can be extended by changing the length of the air path and consequently the intonation of the basic harmonic

The saxophone, saxophone, or, simply, sax is a simple reed aerophone musical instrument. The saxophone is included in the woodwind family because, although the body of the instrument is normally made of metal (often brass, which is why it is often improperly included among the brass instruments), it has among its ancestors the flute and the clarinet from which it inherited the structure (its inventor created it starting from the shape of the bass clarinet) but not the material.

The transverse flute is a kind of flute, a musical instrument of the wood family, therefore an aerophone. The emission of sound is due to the oscillation of the column of air which, directed by the player onto the rim of the embouchure hole, forms vortices which cause it to oscillate in and out of the hole, causing the air inside the instrument to vibrate. The modern shape of the flute (cylindrical, with twelve or more keys) is due to the modifications applied to the Baroque flutes (in turn deriving from older six-hole flutes) by the German Theobald Boehm (1794-1881) and to the subsequent improvements created by the manufacturers of the French school.

The euphonium (or also Baritone Flugelhorn, Bass Flugelhorn or Bombardino) is a musical instrument intoned in Bâ™ belonging to the brass family (music) and to the subfamily of flugelhorns. The instrument is tuned in Bâ™, i.e. it plays the series of harmonics of that note when the pistons are not played. The parts can be written in real notes in the bass clef or transposed (in the treble clef, with effect a major ninth below, or in bass clef, with effect a major second below)

The clarinet is a simple reed wind musical instrument, belonging to the woodwind family. The oldest instrument that adopts the simple reed principle is the Egyptian memet, consisting of a pair of pipes and known since 2700 BC There are various types of instruments that adopt this principle including the Sardinian launeddas, known since 900 BC. The chalumeau, the predecessor of the clarinet, is based on the same principle, consisting of a cylindrical cane tube on the upper part of which there was an incision made to obtain the 'reed.